September 24, 2018 18:33 Canon EOS Rebel T3 Lens: EF-S18-55mm Aperture Priority 1/25 f/16 ISO 100 Focal length: 18.0 mm Edits (in addition to basic raw conversion presets): 4x5 crop to remove light pole from right side of frame, clone/heal removal of orange cone in front of white tank, adjustment brush to increase the exposure of the Rocky Mountain College sign and its reflection by one stop, and heal removal of dust spot in upper right corner. September 27, 2018 13:33 Canon EOS Rebel T3 Lens: EF75-300mm Aperture Priority 1/400 f/5.6 ISO 100 Focal length: 300.0 mm Edits (in addition to basic raw conversion presets): 8.5x11 crop to reduce the amount of open space to the right of the goose (to minimize any "flying out of the frame" effect), clone removal of some ducks on the edge of the picture, and 0.5-stop increase in exposure.