Final Presentation

I used f/8.0 to give myself a greater depth of field; however, f/11 or even higher may have been more appropriate given the range of distances in the picture. I don't recall if I was in aperture or shutter priority when I took the picture, but I suspect aperture priority with f/8.0 as a compromise between shooting landscapes and shooting wildlife (we were looking for owls at the time I took this picture). There was plenty of light so ISO 100 allowed me to minimize graininess. Shooting directly into the sun, I needed to let a very small amount of light into the camera, hence the relatively fast shutter speed, small aperture of f/14, and ISO 100. I was bracketing my exposures while in aperture priority mode (so my ISO and f-stop stayed constan), and I was happy with the exposure I got with 1/200 shutter speed. The low light was not ideal when shooting this bison. Additionally, the movement of the subject required a fast shutter speed to prevent mo...